Sealstone with ‘minotaur’ design . © Ashmolean Museum, University of Oxford

Minotaur sealstone

Dimensions dia. 2.4cm
Materials lapis lacedaemonius
Accession AN1938.1071
Findspot Psychro Cave
View in Collection

This is one of a number of ‘minotaur’ seals collected by Sir Arthur Evans on his travels around Crete. He suggested that designs such as this, with the head of a bull and the legs of a human, could have inspired later coins from Knossos showing the Minotaur. It is now believed that the image was an abbreviated depiction of bull-leaping which was subsequently misinterpreted.

A page of Sir Arthur Evans’s notebook compares depictions of the minotaur on sealstones and later coins.

Page from Sir Arthur Evans’s notebook, c. 1894 on minotaur coins and seals . © Ashmolean Museum, University of Oxford

Further reading

Shapland, A.J. 2013. ‘Jumping to conclusions: bull-leaping in Minoan Crete’, Society and Animals 21: 194-207

Page from Sir Arthur Evans’s notebook, c. 1894 on minotaur coins and seals . © Ashmolean Museum, University of Oxford
Sealstone with ‘minotaur’ design . © Ashmolean Museum, University of Oxford